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Life Science Business Inquiry related to Life Science 生命科学 We are engaged in a global life science business, centering on contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) activities, where we develop manufacturing processes for and manufacture pharmaceutical and agrochemical components. Life Science Business Inquiry related to Life Science 按用途检索 按事业内容检索 按名称检索 Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals Specialty Chemicals Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals CDMO Services for Biopharmaceuticals and Cell&Gene Therapies Contract Development and Manufacturing Services for Biopharmaceuticals and Cell&Gene Therapies AGC is one of the very few global CDMO based principally in Japan, and has a global network of three regions in Japan, the US and Europe. We have a wide range of production capabilities from a variety of flexible single-use manufacturing scales to large-scale commercial capabilities using 20,000L stainless steel reactors. From research stage to commercial production, we offer efficient and flexible support to all phases of customers’ biopharmaceutical and Cell&Gene Therapy projects with our advanced technology and extensive experience. 产品名称 CDMO Services for Biopharmaceuticals and Cell&Gene Therapies 用途 Contract manufacturing / Process Development / Analytical Development / Cell Line Development for biologics expression 详细信息 Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals CDMO Services Contract development and manufacturing services (PMDA, FDA inspection experience) for pharmaceutical. Based on more the 40 years of experience in contract development and manufacturning of intermediates and APIs, AGC continues robust supply of the product with quality control in compleance with cGMP.AGC has extensive experience in general chemical reactions, halogenation reactions including fluorination, cryogenic reactions. 产品名称 Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals CDMO Services 用途 Contract manufacturing / Process Development / Analytical Development 详细信息 Agrochemicals CDMO Services Contract manufacturing on an industrial scale for agrochemical intermediates and active ingredients using an efficient development process AGC offers contract manufacturing services for agrochemical intermediates and active ingredients matched to customers’ needs using precision organic synthesis technology. With our efficient development process, we supply intermediates and active ingredients on an industrial scale. 产品名称 Agrochemicals CDMO Services 用途 Contract manufacturing / Process Development / Analytical Development 详细信息 Drug Discovery Businesses Drug discovery and creation of new drugs by joint development with pharmaceutical companies. AGC is engaged in discovery of compounds for drug and development of such compound with pharmaceutical companies, aiming to launch on the market. In 2008, we launched Tafluprost, a drug for glaucoma, which is jointly developed with Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.We are creating small molecular compounds which can be candidate for drug, mainly prostaglandin compounds, with a fusion of AGC’s fluorine chemistry and organic synthesis technology. 产品名称 Drug Discovery Businesses 用途 Drug Discovery 详细信息 Specialty Chemicals metallocene co-catalyst borate Ensure customer polymerization quality with high-quality borates with high purity and low moisture content High quality products with high purity and low moisture content ensure customer polymerization quality. In response to requests, it is also possible to control particle size and provide high-performance products with excellent solubility and suspensibility. 产品名称 metallocene co-catalyst borate 用途 Polyolefin polymerization / PE polymerization / EPDM manufacturing 详细信息 Trifluoroacetic Acid and Derivatives Available in 2 forms, 25 kg and 250 kg, depending on the customer's usage AGC sells trifluoroacetic acid, trifluoroacetic anhydride, and sodium trifluoroacetate, which are widely used in organic synthesis, pharmaceutical and pesticide manufacturing, and the electronics industry. 产品名称 Trifluoroacetic Acid and Derivatives 用途 Pharmaceuticals / Agrochemicals / Electronics / Organic Chesistry 详细信息 Propylene derivatives Strong support for customer manufacturing with C3 Chemical's technology, know-how, experience, and achievements cultivated over 50 years From our fundamental business of producing allyl chloride, which uses propylene (C3) as its basic raw material, epichlorohydrin, etc., we are developing our business into high value added C3 chemicals (functional products) synthesized as derivatives of propylene. 产品名称 C3 Chemicals 用途 Pharmaceutical / Agrochemical intermediates / Coating / Textile 详细信息 Specialty Chemicals CDMO Services Specialty chemicals CDMO services with efficient process development capabilities AGC provides CDMO services with organic synthesis process development capabilities cultivated through the pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals CDMO business, raw material procurement capabilities with the original global network, and manufacturing capabilities to achieve stable supply at low cost while continuing to pursue operational excellence. 产品名称 Specialty Chemicals CDMO Services 用途 Electronics / Coating / Cosmetics / Energy / Specialty chemicals / Organic compounds / Semiconductor / OLED 详细信息 主页产品信息生命科学 产品信息 按用途检索 智能移动 建筑材料 基础设施与一般产业 电子 半导体 能源 生活用品、食品产业 生命科学 按事业内容检索 建筑玻璃 汽车 显示器玻璃 电子材料 基础化学品 高性能化学品 生命科学 工业陶瓷 新事业 按名称检索 按关键词检索 Check in AGC 网站地图 关于社交媒体. 联系我们 关于本网站 个人信息保护对策 ©AGC Inc. ×

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