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English News 202303.16 English News Hear from Graduating International Students Who Learned, Grew and Found Success while Studying at KUISs! ① Kobe City Government's First and Only International Commissioned Employment Hire! DOAN THI PHUONG GIANGDepartment of Business AdministrationHome Country: Vietnam KUISs helped improve my Japanese: When I first entered University, I could not speak Japanese well, I initially participated in classes through English. However, with the help of teachers and friends who spoke to me in Japanese, I was able to master it. KUISs polished my ability to communicate: Because KUISs classes demand that students give frequent presentations, I was able to gain confidence speaking in front of people. From my sophomore year, I worked as a mentor and as a tutor in the Global Learning Plaza, which also allowed me to make many Japanese friends. I gave me many wonderful memories. KUISs allowed me to win many different scholarships: Coming from a country with little wealth such as Vietnam, I worried I would pay for university fees through working part-time. However, a KUISs, I was able to receive money from the University's "Asia-Pacific Fund," as well as the Hyogo Prefecture's "Emerging Asian Nations Scholarship Fund" which aids self-supporting international students. JASSO (The Japanese Student Services Organization) also provided a special COVID support fund as well. Overall, these monies allowed for me to live comfortably and concentrate on my studies! Becoming a commissioned staff member in the Kobe Municipal Government: By applying for and being selected as a paid intern for the Kobe Municipal government, I was able to deepen my ties with Japanese and international students. It allowed me to understand Japanese culture better. I also discovered my own potential and grew a lot from it. My future goals: Moving forward, my hope is to start a travel company that will connect Japan and Vietnam even more. I will be able to advance in this direction and work hard to realize my dream! ②He Came to KUISs to Learn about Disaster Management and Became a Certified Disaster Relief Specialist! 韓 柘旭(HAN ZHEXU)Department of Human PsychologyHome Country: China My reason for choosing KUISs: Growing up, I was moved by the tragedies of the 2008 Earthquake in Sichuan, China, and the 2011 Disaster in Northeastern Japan. Even before applying to KUISs, I wanted to be able to reduce the disaster damage of such crises. KUISs' psychology department and its program in disaster management were therefore a very good fit. I benefitted from KUISs' learning environment: I was a student at a Japanese Language school in Tokyo before coming to KUISs, but there were too many people, so I suffered. Despite the Kobe Yamate Campus being in the middle of the city, I have found Kobe to be a very livable city. KUISs is also a small-sized university which gives personal attention to each of its students. The support given to international students is also substantial. For example, through scholarships from the University, tuition is reduced. It allowed me to not have to work part-time jobs so much. I can therefore concentrate on my studies! Enjoying various learning experiences: Through my psychology internship, I was able to go to actual Japanese medical facilities, feel the atmosphere of those places, and experience actual patient examinations. I learned a lot. Additionally, in Kamigaki-sensei's class, we gained real world experiences. My classes did not simply test general academic knowledge, but asked students to reflect on what was experienced from each class. This greatly helped me acquire and retain even more knowledge about my major! I also like animals, and for my Service Learning class, I was able to serve at Horse Land Park in Miki City and look after the horses there. It was a valuable learning experience! Deepening my learning of Disaster Management: While a student at KUISs, I wanted to verify what I had learned in a more applied way. That is why I took the Disaster Relief Specialist exam. I was fortunate enough to have passed! I was happy, and it confirmed that I had learned the subject well. After graduation, I hope to go to graduate school to learn about creating disaster management applications on smartphones. I hope to eventually work in Japan and reduce disaster damage in the future! ③She Realized an Enjoyable, Stress-free Life While Studying at KUISs! NGUYEN THI HUYEN TRANGDepartment of Business AdministrationHome Country: Vietnam An Environment and Teachers who care for International Students: KUISs teachers were very kind and helped me master key topics of business administration such as Finance, Marketing, and Economics. They also helped international students like me by speaking in easier to understand Japanese. Whenever there was a point I did not understand in the homework or assignments, they were always willing to help me, even outside of class. One reason why I am glad I chose KUISs is because of the University Scholarship fund. If your grades improve, you can get more scholarship support. It really helps! Valuable Internship Experiences: While I was at KUISs, I was able to experience various internships including one for the Kansai regional Tourism Board, as well as a branch office of a large Vietnamese IT company. These experiences allowed me to learn even more about Japanese Tourism PR, advertising, and business. In particular, Lee-sensei role in the "Visit Japan" Ambassador Program, and her extensive network provided many internship opportunities. I was able to meet company presidents from many industries. I am very grateful. After graduation, I will work at a company that I interned at. Thank you KUISs for 4 wonderful years! この記事をシェアする English News一覧に戻る 姉妹校・園 神戸山手女子中学校・高等学校 関西保育福祉専門学校 認定こども園 難波愛の園幼稚園 汐江ふたば保育園 塚口北ふたば保育園 サイトマップ 採用情報 プライバシーポリシー サイトポリシー SNS運用ポリシー Kansai University of International Studies ©All rights reserved. 急上昇中 人気の検索ワード オープンキャンパス WEB出願 いま注目のページ よく見られているページ キャンパスの案内 オープンキャンパス 数字でわかる関西国際大学 学費・奨学金 もう見ましたか? おすすめのページ 濱名山手学院 創立100周年 大学からのお知らせ 就職内定者の声 公開講座

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